Great Barrier Reef | Fact & Information

Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef Is one of the natural wonders of the world. It Is the world’s largest coral reef ecosystem. It extends along the north-east coast of  Queensland, Australia, for about 2,000 km.

The Great Barrier Reef is the best-known ‘ marine protected area in the world. It
covers an area of approximately 3,44,210. sq km and is scattered with a number of beautiful islands and around 3,000 coral reefs. The reefs range in size from 3,40,224 sq km to over 100 sq km in area.


Corals form reefs and cays. Corals grow in shallow, warm water. They need sufficient light and highly saline water to grow. A coral consists of individual coral polyps. Polyps are tiny creatures, which group together and form colonies. Each polyp lives inside a hard shell. This shell is generally known as the coral.

Marine life

The Great Barrier Reef has a great diversity of marine life. It is one of the most valued ecosystems in the world. The reef is home to many endangered and endemic species. It has around 1,500 species of fish, a large number of whales and dolphins, 4,000 types of mollusks
and many varieties of seaweeds, sea
snakes, sea turtles, and dugongs.
Other creatures present in large numbers include anemones, marine worms, crustaceans (prawns, crabs, etc.) and echinoderms (starfish, sea urchins, etc.).

Barrier reefs

Barrier reefs are reefs formed parallel to the coastline. They are separated from the shore by a wide, deep lagoon. Barrier reefs are so called because they provide a barrier between the ocean and the shore.

Importance of coral reef

Coral reefs are important in many ways.They provide shelter as well as protection to many species of marine animals.These reefs also protect coasts from strong currents and waves by slowing down the water before it gets to the shore.


The Great Barrier Reef varies in climatic conditions. It is located between the continental island of Australia and the open ocean of the south Pacific. The climate is strongly influenced by both the neighboring land mass and oceanic effects.The climate varies from north to south.The south has a cooler climate with subtropical to temperate conditions. The north has tropical humid conditions with a wet season in January. The rainfall in this region is seasonal and varies geographically.

World Heritage Site

The Great Barrier Reef was inscribed as a world heritage site in 1981 because of its unique size and the variety of plants and animals found here. It is one of the richest natural areas on Earth. The reef now lies within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, which is the largest marine park in the world. This park has an area of about 3,45,600 sq km. As the world’s most extensive coral reef ecosystem, the Great Barrier Reef is unique in its size and hence is a significant global resource.


The Great Barrier Reef faces significant threats like global warming and pollution. Rising, ocean temperatures have led to frequent coral bleaching. Climate change has also affected the population of sea turtles found in the area. Water pollution has led to a decrease in the growth of corals. The coral reef also faces the major threat from starfish. Starfish are natural predators of corals.


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