Fact & Information of Magnificent Temple at Angkor

The Temple at Angkor

The Angkor Wat Temple is located in Cambodia. it is a huge pyramid temple built during the rule of King Suryavarman II. It is regarded as the supreme masterpiece of Khmer architecture. it is the representative symbol of Cambodia and is displayed on the country’s national flag.

The Temple at Angkor Wat was originally dedicated to the Hindu gad Vishnu. However, later it became a shrine for Theravada Buddhists. Theravada Buddhism is the dominant religion among the contemporary Khmer people al Cambodia. The temple represents some at the most beautiful examples of Khmer and Hindu art. The temple has dominating towers, intricate carvings in the walls, and endless courtyards and passageways outside. it is surrounded by a moat. The moat is around 173.7 m wide and about 6.4 km long. The Angkor Wat Temple is one of the greatest representations of traditional Cambodian culture.

World Heritage Site

The Khmer Empire began to decline the 13th century. The Angkor Wat Temple turned into a Buddhist temple during this period The Buddhism maintained the temple very well and helped to preserve it. In 1989, UNESCO sent the first missio in Angkor City to assess it as a conservation site. In 1992, the UNESCO
World Heritage Committee declared Angkor City as well as the Angkor WatTemple as a Wat temple as a World Heritage Site.


The city of Angkor is located in north-western Cambodia. It was founded in the early 9th century. The city remained the capital city of Cambodia until the 15th century. This city has some of the most famous Indonesian temples such as the Angkor Wat Temple, the Angkor Thom Temple, and the Bayou Temple.


The Angkor Wat Temple represents the temple mountain of Mount Meru, which has great importance in Hindu cosmology. There are five towers at the centre of the temple. They symbolise the five mountain peaks. The temple is surrounded by a moat and three galleries. A moat is deep, broad depression in the ground that is usually filled with water and surrounds a structure.’lhe ground of the temple symbolises the world and the wall stands for the mountains at the edge of the world. The surroundings of the temple stand for the shore and the oceans.

Building material

The Angkor Wat Temple and other buildings in Cambodia were originally built from wood. The wooden temples were built in the same way as the later simple brick temples. Bricks were
manufactured in Cambodia from early times. However, there was very little variety in the stones that were available. Laterite and sandstone became the primary building material during the 13th century
The Angkor Wat Temple was built using sandstone and laterite. As sandstone was not available in the immediate area, it had to be transported from far away Phnorn Kuleu. The sandstone was transported to the construction site by river. A vast army of slaves, builders, and craftsmen were used for carrying the sandstone to the site. 'lhere the architects and craftsmen worked on the stones and carved them to create the beautiful temple .


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